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Fighting on with Green Tree!

 Mar 28, 2018    Stories Worth Sharing

We had the opportunity to come into contact with a customer who was willing to let us share her amazing story.

"A couple weeks ago I finally found my Green Tree cardinal earrings, lost for a year, purchased in Dallas several years ago...but one was broken, crushed somehow in a pocket. I had not worn earrings for years, but these were so light, I found them just the thing, and was so disappointed that I'd broken one. My husband, however, found them online, so I was so happy to be able to order a replacement pair.

In the meanwhile, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, so have been distracted and neglected to thank you for sending also the free sample of purple heart earrings. I love them! After my diagnosis, I mentioned a couple more pair I'd seen to my daughters, who ordered them for my birthday. They just arrived, and you again sent an additional pair, dragonflies, which I also love! All are cheering to me as I anticipate losing hair - I told my girls I could use more earrings to spruce up the head wraps and scarves I anticipate wearing.

You cannot know how touched I am to now have 5 new pair of earrings for adornment through cancer treatment and beyond. Thank you so much!! I will be ordering more. Your kindness and generosity are truly appreciated. JB"

We are so fortunate to be able to be able to help out our customers, no matter the circumstance! We love to hear about your stories and are always excited to hear your great experiences that our company is able to give you!